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Day 7
Oh crap! I realized that this is the last day and double-crap! I was completely booked with other things to do. I had official started this challenge at 5 am...
Day 6
Another bug. My random number generator wasn't being properly initialized so I was getting the same dungeon each time. Once I fixed that I moved on to adding...
Day 5
Some tiles didn't look right to me so I broke out GIMP and fixed them. I added code to accept input from the keyboard. It's the standard roguish h,j,k,l (and...
Day 4
My original dungeon code was written with a text user interface in mind. Now that I am using SFML I needed graphics. I settled upon Surts' Lovable Rogue tilese...
Day 3
Once again I fear I may have bitten off more than I can chew but I'm having fun anyway. Because it is already day 3 and I haven't got anything actually workabl...
Day 2
I spent today reading SFML Game Development by Example particularly the chapters about entity component systems. An ECS may seem like a bit of an extravagan...
Day 1
Things got off to a slow start today due to household chores. I'm going to write this in C++ with SFML for the graphics. I started by dusting off some dungeon...

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